Thursday 24 February 2011

Times Past

Last Sunday I had a very interesting day. I had regained contact with someone I had not seen for over 35 years.

Susie Harrington had written to me via email after I expressed thanks to her parents for looking after me and taking me into their home when I was 18.

When I was 16 I was ejected from my mother’s home and had to fend for myself as far as accommodation was concerned.

After two years of moving from place to place I was offered to come and live with the pastor of my church I was going to then. All I can say was that I was a very disruptive and maladjusted person and in many ways still quite childish. Susie was probably 14 or15 at the time when her
parents took me in. They showed great kindness and sacrifice.

When I got the email I was surprised and a little scared. This was my past catching up with me. Yes I had written to her parents expressing my gratitude for what they had done, but did not expect to hear from Susie.

After a while we arranged a time when Andrea and I could visit them. She had told me they are now Leaders of a church in Maldon and it was last Sunday we went to see them.

Remembering what I was like I felt a bit shy and a little ashamed as I drove with Andrea to Maldon to visit their church and spend lunch with them.

The church met in Maldon’s town hall. I envisaged an old ornate building but what we found it was quite a modern brick building.

The service was lively and worshipful. The trouble with being in a new place which I didn't know is I felt a little out of place at first.

Both Trevor and Susie are busy people and when the service finished many people sought their attention. I understood and went to get a cup of tea from the cafe bar. People do tend to talk to one another who they know but Hazel got chatting to Andrea. After a While we got chatting to Les. He was an old boy from the East End He knew of our road and one of the shops on the corner where we live being a sweet shop. (I think it’s a mobile phone shop now).

Andrea and I were invited back to Susie’s for Sunday dinner. I was still a little unsure and nervous. “What must she think of me?” I thought. Why was I thinking like this? God had done so much in my life. He had changed me from that person.

I had deliberately arranged to meet them purely to deal with the past. And yet, for a while, the past seemed to dominate my thinking. Many times, in the past, I would blurt out and over react to what I was thinking but this time I was determined to keep a lid on my emotions. Things were not helped when I cleared the table I had broken one of the glasses. I apologised profusely. In the past this would have left me quite embarrassed and down about it but after a reassuring word or two from Susie it was soon forgotten.

Like Andrea and I, all their children had grown up and had fled the nest, but they were always keen to entertain and welcome people into their home; so another family had joined us. Karen and Wayne were one of the new Christians Trevor and Susie had seen come through to faith in
the eight years since moving to Maldon and planting the church. Karen listened with interest the story of how God had given us our new home in Stepney.

I was listening to myself telling this story as well. I realised I had nothing to fear. Yes God my Father had blessed me and Andrea over the years and we were safe in his hands.

It was time to go so we took our leave of them.

On the drive home Andrea and I talked the day through together. I am so glad I am married to her. She has been a great help to me.

I think this day was an important day for me and a valuable lesson too. I need not to fear or worry what people think of me and be confident in what God had done in my life. Thank you Daddy!

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