Monday 4 June 2018

The Return of the Prodigal Son

One Sunday, at church, someone prayed for me and gave me a picture of me being like the Prodigal Son. He told me of the painting by Rembrandt of the same name.

The more I think about it the more precious it is to me. God's unfailing love towards me.

Yes I am a wayward son, always wandering off at a drop of a hat. I forget all too often how He has looked after me. Seeing my fears loom instead of seeing his bigness.

Just like the Prodigal Son I return after difficulty and sadness. Thinking that if I promise to do better, if I try hard, Father will accept me. Only to discover His welcoming me back is dependant on His faithfulness and grace - hard won by the cross; I return finding out nothing has changed.

Others may look on tut-tutting but I am in the Father's embrace.