Friday 10 August 2007

A camping trip to hear the voice of God.

Each year New Frontiers Family of churches, of which our church is part of, have a leadership conference in the city of Brighton. About 5000 delegates come to hear inspirational speakers like Terry Virgo, Dave Devanish, Rob Rufus, and Steve Van Rin. Normally I would not have gone, but this year I felt I should go as God said he wanted to speak to me.

Accommodation was a problem. I could have stayed in an hotel as many others had, but I'm a hardy sort and thought I could save money and sleep in a tent.

I have accumulated several tents over the years, but by now they are getting a bit old. Decathlon (my local sports superstore) was having a sale and had on offer a 2 man "through up" tent. This saves a lot of time when it comes to erecting the tent as all the poles are part of the tent and just springs into shape when thrown into the air. The makers advertise it to only take 2 seconds.

Using the Internet I found a nice little camp site near a village about 12 kilometres from Brighton. There was a railway station and it had lovely views of the South Down hills.

Because there was a railway station, I was going to catch the train and walk from the station to the camp site. However, this became a less practical option with the amount of equipment that I wanted to take. So, packing the car with the new tent and the cooker, the gas and all the other equipment, I headed off to Hassocks.

After a very slow and frustrating journey I eventually got to the camp site about two and a half hours later. This should have only taken one and a half hours according to my GPS but took nearly double that.

Unfortunately there was no one on the reception to tell me where to pitch so I picked a spot that I thought was suitable - a place that was flat and not to close to anyone else (I did not want to afflict them with my snoring!). Later I was to find out that I had been allocated a pitch, and the plan of where I should have gone was on the office door all along.

Although I had seen a display model of my nice new tent in the shop, I was not quite sure how it would go. I peeled the off the cover and the retaining strap and through it in the air. Ping! There it was, a fully erected tent before my eyes! I had to peg it down and peg out the guys but essentially it was up immediately. Two girls where watching from across the field with great interest.

There was another tent not far away. It seemed they were going the same conference I was. When I passed by whilst carrying my stuff from the car I overheard their conversation and so I introduced myself. They were most welcoming and invited me to sit down. I had quite a lot to finish off with my tent so I said I would be back in a moment.

When I finally got things sorted with my stuff and pumped up the air bed I went over to see them. There were four young lads:,Niku, Andy, Simon and Chris. They told me they and intended to catch a train each day.

"That was just what I want to do", I said.

"You can come in our car to the station when we go in the morning" Chris said. This, I felt was a real answer to prayer.

Although the village had a station, it was still quite a way from the camp site. I was not looking forward to the 20 minute walk. I could have done it but it would have meant I would have had to get up extra early to walk to the station to get the train into Brighton.

The scenery of the camp site was spectacular. The South down hills dominated. I had a good view and sat eating my tea admiring the view.

After tea I took a long walk across the fields and prayed. I felt I really had connected to God and that we were enjoying one anther's company. I was grateful, it was only the work of Christ on the cross and Him opening a way that aloud me to commune with God in the first place.

The next morning I was up and at 'em, bright and early. I didn't want to be accused of holding the guys back as they had kindly offered me a lift. Having had my breakfast I got ready to go and sat with them while they made sandwiches. Oh to be young again and be able to eat salty crisps and have strange fillings in sandwiches! I watched with amusement but said nothing.

We caught the train to Brighton wanting to be in good time for registration. It had been quite a long time since I had been to Brighton so the walk from the station to the conference centre was interesting.

I used to live in Brighton when I was 10 years old, so this was like a trip back in time. Forty years is an awful long time though, and as is the nature of things, everything had changed. I did not recognize anything. I was doing my best to remember but nothing seemed familiar. Presumably all the shops had changed and as I was only a 10 year old boy then, I didn't take a lot of notice of my surroundings. Later on I visited where I had lived and the school I had gone to.

Coming closer to the conference centre I was surprised at the number of people that had gathered to queue to get in to register. We were all heading for the same place so there was air of excitement.

There were quite a few faces I recognized from over the years of going to various Christian events; I nodded and said hello.

I had lost my camping companions; they had gone off and done their youth thing, so I was left alone. That was OK, I was excited at the prospect of getting into a meeting and hearing what God wanted to say to me. Normally I would gravitate to being with people but, certainly for the start of the week, it was best I was alone with God amongst a big crowd.

It was going to be a busy time with only small gaps between main sessions or seminars. I had to be wise with my time and using the breaks effectively.

The meetings started with worship. The main meeting hall was able to accommodate four and a half thousand people! That number of people certainly generates a lot of volume. It was great and I really felt carried away by the singing.

Then came the preaching; this was given by various speakers. One was a guy called Rob Rufus who spoke on God's Holy Spirit.

It reminded of the time back in 1974 when God met me in a very special way.

I had been visiting my then landlady's son just down the road. It was getting late so I left the house and made my way in the direction of home.

Almost immediately I heard an audible voice saying "turn around".

I chatted back my agreement. "Right oh LORD", I said. "It would be nice to take the long way round on to country roads"

So off I headed for a nice pleasant walk on a lovely crisp clear night on to country roads.

Leaving the town and entering the countryside I rounded a bend. Suddenly I felt something amazing. I felt a love from God I'd never felt before. The full moon seemed to be on fire. In response I cried out. "I love you Lord!"

I didn't know what to do. I started to laugh. I wanted to cry. My legs started to buckle from under me so I fell in a ditch. I got out still laughing and crying. I fell on my knees. I was so grateful.

And so it went on. I had lost all track of time, but I think it lasted about an hour. I was dishevelled but full of joy. God had changed me; I had gained a new love for Jesus and wanted to have Him number one in my life.

Having Jesus number one in my life and having Him use me was what most of the speakers were saying. I felt challenged again that I should tap into His power that he had supplied all those years ago.

Rob Rufus went on to say how God is committed to seeing Jesus made known to everyone, and that He wanted to use us and has given us the power to get the job done. After all Jesus healed, the disciples healed and He has promised to use us in healing and miracles to bring glory to the Name of Jesus.

I had gone expecting for God to speak to me, and that is what He did.

A trip to the past.

As I said earlier I used to live in Brighton when I was about 10 years old. I wanted to go and see the houses I had lived at some 40 years earlier. It was such a long time ago that I wasn't sure where in Brighton they would be. Fortunately the houses where in one street and were quite easy to find. I got to the first one and thought to take a photo. I am always worried what people think when you hang around a house, so I knocked on the door. The person who answered was very welcoming and invited me in to see what might have changed.

The second house the person said I could take a photo but did not invite me in.

I remembered that I had gone to school just around the corner and how I had bought sweets from the shop opposite the school. I took a short walk and there the school was, just as I remember. And so was the shop on the corner. It is a TV aerial shop now, but it still looked basically the same.

The conference only had a couple of days left and I was able to join my friends sitting with them in the meetings and having meals with them. One of the times we were discussing the meetings and what they meant to each of us. I got to tell of how God had challenged me. Suddenly I found myself crying for the people who did not know Jesus back in East London. I knew God loved these people and I seemed to feel God's heart for them. I was a bit embarrassed but my friends seemed to understand.

And so it was the end of the conference, time to get back to London and put in to practice what God was saying.

After the last morning session, I had lunch with my friends, Nat and Cynth at Brighton Station. I took the train back to the camp site and packed up; and so to home.

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